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They'll all fall

Friday, March 16, 2007

Schema Therapy and The Work

Schema Therapy is a new form of therapy that supposedly is good for handling personality disorders and chronic depression. It is described as integrating elements of cognitive therapy, behavior therapy, object relations, and gestalt therapy into one unified, systematic approach to treatment. The website includes free slideshows describing the treatment form.

On the subject of new therapy forms, I've recently been experimenting with using The Work of Byron Katie with a few people with problematic family relationships. I've seen improvements in all the cases, including one where the father had asked two days after "What's happened to you? You're all different towards me."

I'm very excited about The Work; I don't really know much I can say about it beyond Try It! The book Loving What Is says more than enough to get you started. And, of course, feel free to post questions, and I'll answer as well as I can.



  • I looked up the book. What are the four questions?

    By Blogger Greg, at 10:09 PM  

  • 1. Is it true?
    2. Can you really, absolutely know it is true?
    3. How do you feel when you think that thought/feel that feeling?
    4. Who would you be without that thought/feeling?

    And the last part: A turnaround, where you check if the statement you're questioning would be as true in another variant. Example: "My dad should understand me better." to "I should understand me better" or "I should understand my dad better" or "My dad should understand me just as well as he does". Try out the different ones, and see how it feels.

    By Blogger Eek, at 3:25 PM  

  • How does it compare to your success or lack thereof using Core Transformation, the Sedona Method, or other intervention processes based upon a reframing principle?

    By Blogger Brian David Phillips, at 5:16 AM  

  • I've had better success with this than with direct reframing work (using sleight of mouth or giving people other frames directly); I have not worked with any of the other structured reframing techniques, so I can't compare directly there.

    By Blogger Eek, at 11:18 AM  

  • Menang adalah Harga Mati, karena untuk bisa memiliki penghasilan setiap hari adalah kemenangan. Lalu bagaimana agar kamu dapat menang setiap hari bermodalkan handphone saja ? (Baca Selengkapnya Disini...)

    By Blogger Video Teraveloka, at 6:45 AM  

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