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They'll all fall

Friday, September 16, 2005

(outlink) In Search of a Deep Psychobiology of Hypnosis

Ernest Rossi, chronicler of Milton Ericksson and well-known researcher in his own right, has written a paper on In Search of a Deep Psychobiology of Hypnosis. Seems interesting.

On the topic of interesting theories of hypnosis: Dylan Morgan's free book Principles of Hypnosis builds a fairly broad base theory for hypnosis using control theory (a branch of mathematics). I'll be posting a review soon, summary: "READ IT!"


  • are you familiar with the works of Jay Haley? he is the sort of the official chronicler of Milton Erickson.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:00 AM  

  • I know *of* him, though only as "Somebody that's a direct with Ericsson and has written some things about it, and are famous for his work in his own right", with my impression of "official chronicler" being Rossi as the main one, secondary Bandler/Grinder (very different tack) and Jeffrey Zeig and Jay Haley sort of sharing a third place. It probably depends a lot on what direction you approach from.

    I'll do a bit more research and another post on it.

    By Blogger Eek, at 12:31 PM  

  • Hey Eek, what's up.

    Hey I'm trying to put together a daily fitness programme consisting of some stretching (aerobics), some jogging, and some muscular activities without weights (like push-ups, or sit-ups).

    So do you happen to know any website where I could find some info on this?

    I was trying to email you, but then I realized I don't have any contact info, so if you could mail me at lifewithbg@gmail.com that would be great.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:52 PM  

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